Summit Jct. [Goathland] - Deviation Jct. [Grosmont]
Date Closed to Passenger Services
1 Jul 1865
Mileage Closed
4m 35c†
Stations Closed
Goathland; Beck Holes
Cobb Atlas Reference
439 82 04 - 84 99; SE 84699 99132 - NZ 82669 04724
Present Status
RCH Durham & Northumberland Districts 1922
Further Notes
ACD - Sat 01/07/1865 - C; CPLGB p19; DRS. RPSGB gives "early July" quoting contemporary reports of a delay in opening the new deviation - see below.
Line replaced by new deviation avoiding steep incline at Beck Holes.
Deviation Jct. - Beckhole (sic) RO - Wed 01/07/1908 - see Deviation Jct. [Grosmont] - Beckhole.
Page updated: 19/02/2024