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Eskett Jct. - Yeathouse Jct.

Date Closed to Passenger Services

27 May 1874

Mileage Closed

0m 74c†

Stations Closed


Cobb Atlas Reference

441 04 16; NY 04225 15915 - NY 04286 16985

Present Status



Further Notes

ACD - Wed 27/05/1874 - RPSGB p528. CPLGB p30 gives "6/1874".

Line replaced by deviation via Yeathouse.

*Exact location of Eskett station is proving hard to determine. The map used here dates from 1892-1914 when the former passenger station was in use for goods traffic only, but there is no obvious indication of such a facility. There is a double-track section and a siding adjacent to the building marked "Parkend House", but limited road access makes this location unlikely. An earlier map studied dates from 1862, just after the line was opened but, frustratingly, just before Eskett station was built and opened in 1864! So, no joy there.  

Any information most welcome. 


Page updated: 04/03/2024