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Sleaford West (Jct.) - Cranwell

Date Closed to Passenger Services

30 Nov 1926

Mileage Closed

5m 20c*

Stations Closed

Slea River Platform; Cranwell

Services Operated

Sleaford - Cranwell

Timetable Reference

Not shown in railway company or Bradshaw's timetables.

Cobb Atlas Reference

320 06 45 - 01 49 Not marked

Present Status



oOS Map reproduced with permission from the National Library of Scotland

Further Notes

RAF Cranwell Railway.

ACD unknown. Closure date given as 'November 1926' or, in some instances, 1927.

RPSGB p506 shows service for personnel only. Much anecdotal evidence suggests service was utilised by general public. However, given that the service was almost certainly not advertised, the line's inclusion here is probably not justified.

Confirmation either way would be greatly appreciated.

*Approximate mileage. See 'The RAF Cranwell Railway' A.J. Ludlam LP169 OP 1988.  


Page updated: 21/11/2021