Alloway Jct. - Turnberry (excl.)
Date Closed to Passenger Services
1 Apr 1933
Mileage Closed
14m 78c
Stations Closed
Alloway (01/12/1930); Heads of Ayr (01/12/1930); Dunure (01/12/1930); Knoweside (01/12/1930); Balchriston Level Crossing Halt (01/12/1930); Glenside (01/12/1930); Maiden (01/12/1930)
Services Operated
Glasgow (St. Enoch)/Ayr - Girvan via Turnberry
Timetable Reference
B1195 Feb 1933 754
Cobb Atlas Reference
504 34 18 - 490 20 05
Present Status
RCH Scotland 1907 – reproduced with permission from the National Library of Scotland
Further Notes
CL - Mon 01/12/1930; RO - Mon 04/07/1932 - "experimental service" for Turnberry station only.
ACD - Sat 01/04/1933. LTR - Fri 31/03/1933 - Rails to Turnberry and Heads of Ayr OL155 OP p155. Saturday service was operating hence ACD - Sat 01/04/1933.
CPLGB gives ACD - Wed 31/05/1933; PNM 1980 p14 gives -/6/33.
Just to muddy the waters even more, Rails to Turnberry p157 states, "During the period of the experimental service, the line north of Turnberry had still been officially regarded as closed to passengers, with none of the intermediate stations reopened and the public timetables repeated that Ayrshire Pullman Motor Services provide buses". In that case the 'official' closure date should be 01/12/1930. This account is supported by RPSGB under second entry for Heads of Ayr station p229.
But it didn't end there......
Alloway Jct. - new Heads of Ayr RO - Sat 17/05/1947; CL - Mon 16/09/1968. See Alloway Jct. - Heads of Ayr (2nd).
Page updated: 20/08/2022