North Rd. Jct. - Plymouth (Millbay); Cornwall Loop Jct. - Cornwall Jct. [Plymouth]
Date Closed to Passenger Services
23 Apr 1941
Mileage Closed
0m 76c*
Stations Closed
Plymouth (Millbay)
Services Operated
Launceston/Tavistock/Saltash - Plymouth (Mill Bay)
Timetable Reference
B1285 Aug 1940 62
Cobb Atlas Reference
8 47 55 - 47 54
Present Status
RCH RJD 61 1909
Further Notes
ACD - Wed 23/04/1941 due to bomb damage - C, CPLGB, PNM & DRS. RPSGB gives Thu 24/04/1941. Old Plymouth.UK website states, "During the wartime bombing in April 1941 the goods shed adjacent to the Station was destroyed. As a result Millbay Station was closed to passengers from Wednesday April 23rd 1941". This would suggest the bomb damage occurred earlier and the correct ACD is 23/04/1941, though it is far from conclusive.
*North Rd. Jct. - Plymouth (Millbay) 0m 56c; Cornwall Loop Jct. - Cornwall Jct. [Plymouth] 0m 20c.
Page updated: 03/01/2022