Sellafield Jct. - Mire House Jct. via Moor Row
Date Closed to Passenger Services
16 Jun 1947
Mileage Closed
9m 44c
Stations Closed
Beckermet; Egremont; Woodend; Moor Row
Services Operated
Sellafield- Moor Row/Whitehaven (Bransty)
Timetable Reference
B 1st May - 15th Jun 1947 625
Cobb Atlas Reference
429 01 04 - 441 98 15
Present Status
RCH Cumberland & Westmorland Districts 1912
Further Notes
CL - Mon 07/01/1935; RO - Mon 11/03/1940 for unadvertised workmens' service only; (DRS shows this service CL - Mon 08/04/1940, RPSGB makes no mention of it); RO - Mon 06/05/1946 as public timetabled service - C LNWR Ch.; DRS; RPSGB.
ACD - Mon 16/06/1947 - PNM 1980 p82. No Sunday service, LTR - Sat 14/06/1947. Initially TCD due to fuel crisis. B 16th Jun 1947 625 shows "Service Suspended". No services advertised subsequently. Date later confirmed as ACD.
Unadvertised workmens' service ran between Moor Row and Sellafield from Mon 23/05/1949 to CL Mon 06/09/1965. LTR? Did these services run between Moor Row and Whitehaven?
Occasional Sellafield to Egremont school trains ran until CL - Mon 03/03/1969. LTR - Fri 28/02/1969?
See RM Jul & Aug 1946 p256.
*Gillfoot station appears to have been built but there is no evidence that it ever opened for regular public timetabled services. Likely used only for workmens' trains. Any confirmation welcome.
Page updated: 04/08/2022