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North Walsham Jct. - Antingham Road Jct.

Date Closed to Passenger Services

8 Apr 1958

Mileage Closed

0m 32c

Stations Closed


Services Operated

Liverpool St. - Caister Camp Halt/Caister-on-Sea seasonal trains*

Timetable Reference

B1484 Aug/Sep 1957 E50

Cobb Atlas Reference

302 27 30


RCH RJD 153 1907

Further Notes

OCD - Tue 08/04/1958 - sudden unplanned closure due to weak bridge - M&GNJR D&C 1970 p164. No service operating at the time.

LTR - Sat 28/09/1957. PNM 1980 p70 gives ACD - Mon 30/09/1957.  

*B1484 Aug/Sep 1957 E50 - 10 41am SO Caister-on-Sea - London (Liverpool St.) and 10 50am SO London (Liverpool St.) - Caister-on-Sea - 'Holiday Camps Express'. Trains reversed at Antingham Rd. Jct.

New spur opened Mon 05/05/1958 (04/05/1958 - M&GNJR D&C 1970 p164) from North Walsham (Main) southwards to M&GN line and used only by Holiday Camps Express during summer of 1958. CL - Mon 02/03/1959 - PNM 1980 p70.

Bradshaw's Jul 1956 shows all trains from Mundesley-on-Sea serving North Walsham (Main).

See Forgotten Railways - East Anglia D&C p38 for an evocative description of travel on the Holiday Camps Express.


Page updated: 06/05/2022