Royston Jct. - Thornhill Midland Jct.
Date Closed to Passenger Services
13 Jun 1960
Mileage Closed
8m 9c
Stations Closed
----- *
Services Operated
9 10 mrn Week Days Halifax - Sheffield (Midland) via Thornhill & Cudworth**
Timetable Reference
B1363 Mar 1947 616, 650**
Cobb Atlas Reference
384 36 13 - 25 19
RCH Yorkshire District 1918
Further Notes
OCD - Mon 13/06/1960 - PNM 1980 p79; RoCR.
**To date, no RTS has been identified with this section of line in timetables later than the above quoted Halifax - Sheffield service from March 1947. RHRGB Vol.8 South and West Yorkshire p127 states, "... a basic service between Sheffield and Halifax ... There were also through coaches or trains from Bradford, Halifax and Huddersfield to St Pancras and Bristol but, apart from a brief revival in 1960, all-the-year-round workings over the route ceased in 1946."
Any further information or clarification most welcome.
See Monk Spring Jct. - Cudworth Station South Jct.
*RCH Y 1918 shows passenger stations at Crigglestone and Middlestown for Horbury. Neither was ever opened.
Page updated: 02/05/2022