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Dunblane (Jct.) - Crianlarich Lower Jct.; Killin Junction - Killin

Date Closed to Passenger Services

1 Nov 1965

Mileage Closed

44m 46c*

Stations Closed

Doune; Callander (2nd); Strathyre (28/09/1965); Kingshouse Platform (28/09/1965); Balquhidder (28/09/1965); Glenoglehead (30/09/1891); Killin Junction (28/09/1965); Luib (28/09/1965); Crianlarich (Lower)

Killin (28/09/1965)

Services Operated

London (Euston)/Glasgow (Buchanan St.)/Edinburgh (Waverley)/Stirling - Callander/Oban

Killin Junction - Killin

Timetable Reference

BR (ScR) 14 Jun 65 - 17 Apr 66 Table 26

Cobb Atlas Reference

552 78 01 - 559 37 25; 560 53 28 - 570 57 33


RCH Scotland 1907 – reproduced with permission from the National Library of Scotland

Further Notes

OCD for entire section of line - Mon 01/11/1965. For ACDs and LTRs, see below.

Due to a landslip caused by flooding in the early hours of Monday 27/09/1965, the line between Balquhidder and Killin Junction was blocked. As the line was due to close from Mon 01/11/1965, it was decided not to clear the obstruction. The only detailed account identified is in BLN 41 p2. Other sources are less detailed and/or contain inaccuracies. 

The following sequence of last trains and closures has been gleaned from the aforementioned BLN article:-

Balquhidder (excl.) - Killin Junction (excl.) - ACD - Mon 27/09/1965 - the 0300 (sic. Actually 0030) Stirling - Oban, the first service of the day booked over the line, was terminated at Balquhidder. The following scheduled service, 0600 Stirling - Oban, was terminated at Strathyre. The first train from Oban, 0615 to Edinburgh/Glasgow, was terminated at Luib. A connecting bus provided onward connections to/from intermediate stations. Consequently, the LTR over this section would have been Sat 25/09/1965 - according to the timetable, 1735 Oban - Edinburgh/Glasgow and 1730 Edinburgh/1825 Glasgow - Oban.

Killin - Killin Junction - Crianlarich Lower Jct. - ACD - Tue 28/09/1965 - on Monday 27/09/1965, this section was used by the Six Lochs Excursion from Glasgow and also the 1352 and 1905 trains from Killin - Killin Junction which were extended to Crianlarich to connect into Oban - Glasgow services. Otherwise services were maintained by trains serving Callander with bus connections between Callander, Killin and Crianlarich. The train service on this section was discontinued from Tuesday 28/09/1965, LTR - Mon 27/09/1965 - presumably the aforementioned 1905 Killin - Crianlarich.

Callander (excl.) - Balquhidder - ACD - Tue 28/09/1965 - aforementioned 0030 Stirling - Oban terminated at Balquhidder. This would have been the LTR over this complete section as the following train, 0600 Stirling - Oban was terminated at Strathyre and formed the 0835 (notionally 0615 from Oban) to Glasgow/Edinburgh. LTR - Mon 27/09/1965.

Dunblane Jct. - Callander - ACD - Mon 01/11/1965 - a train service was maintained between Dunblane and Callander with connecting buses between Callander, Killin and Crianlarich until final closure. No Sunday service, LTR - Sat 30/10/1965.    

*Dunblane (Jct.) - Crianlarich Lower Jct. - 40m 38c; Killin Junction - Killin - 4m 8c.


Page updated: 04/04/2022