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St. John's - Ramsey

Date Closed to Passenger Services

7 Sep 1968

Mileage Closed

16m 40c*

Stations Closed

St. John's; Peel Road (02/06/1952); St. Germain's; Gob-y-Deigan (1887); Kirk Michael; Ballaugh; Sulby Glen; Sulby Bridge; Lezayre; Ramsey

Cobb Atlas Reference

403 27 81 - 405 44 94

Further Notes

Isle of Man Railway.

Cl 13/09/1965, RO 04/06/1967.

Closure date is LTR - Sat 07/09/1968. Latterly SDS only operated.

*Oakwood Press The Isle of Man Railway Vol.3 J. Boyd 1996 p88.


Page updated: 10/03/2022